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Researchers have found that sleeping 6–7 hours each night correlates with longevity and cardiac health in humans, though many underlying factors may be involved in the causality behind this relationship. In the 20th century, Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe were forced to wear a yellow star. In China, bright yellow was the color of the Middle Kingdom, and could be worn only by the Emperor and his household; special guests were welcomed on a… A widespread and potentially lethal human infectious disease, at its peak malaria infested every continent, except Antarctica. Its prevention and treatment have been targeted in science and medicine for hundreds of years. Author Year Book Price Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology 1 Donald E. Thrall 2012 119,200 Practical Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging 1 Suzanne Easton 2012 55,200 Equine MRI 1 Rachel C. References 1. Dieter, George E., Engineering Design - A Materials and Processing Approach, McGraw Hill, International Editions, Singapore, 2000. 2. Product Design Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development, Kevin OTTO… Map
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